Week 28, Theme 10 – Dawn’s Light

While in Little Rock, our campsite backed up on the Arkansas River.  This gave us a view across the river toward the community of Maumelle.  One morning I was sitting at the dinette table and happened to look out across the river and I saw this beautiful view of “Dawn’s Light”.

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Week 16, Theme 40 – Rusty

As we were heading out on Pinnacle Valley road to the campground we’re staying at this week, we came across this statue of a bird dog at someone’s house.  When I spotted the dog I said my gosh, this dog’s name must be “Rusty”  based on its “Rusty”  condition.  It’s a rather unique sculpture of a Labrador Retriever with a bird at his feet and not a drop of paint on it.  Very appropriate for theme 40.

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